
Government incentives

Incentives used for expert examination, professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities



User project name:
  • Innovations in robotics and optical product inspection for the automotive industry


Brief description of the project:
  • With this project, we are introducing a novelty in our specialized production of custom parts, more specifically in the automotive industry. All the equipment procured through this project will serve in innovation and production of specific parts in the development of electric cars for customers from European countries, and with which we should break into the Asian market of the automotive industry.
  • In addition to the above, the acquired equipment will also be applicable to the current production program and will help to speed up the production process of the machines we have ordered, and thus we will be able to produce more machines in a shorter period of time, which will increase the production capacity.


Project objectives and expected results:
  • Increase in capacity and introduction of new products.


Total project value and amount co-financed by the Institute:
  • 218,651.24 kn + VAT / 200,000.00 kn


Project implementation period (from – to):
  • 2020 – 2023


Contact person for more information information:
  • Director Ivan Kuljko,


  • The content of the publication/broadcast material is the sole responsibility of ASEMO d.o.o. Read more about the Institute here.

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